Uncategorized Jun 22, 2021

This is something that I've learned in life. You have to filter down between the people that really want to invest in the valuable products and services that you offer from the people that are just there to use the information you have to share. There are some people that show up to my live streams and free workshops just to fill up space, blink, blink, blink.


Later on when they see the people that saw value and invested they're like, how how'd you blow up your Instagram account? How are your Facebook ads working like that? How's all this stuff blowing up? -- They didn’t get to experience those same results because they left too soon. They were only there to take in the information and didn’t invest in learning how to properly apply it.

Let's talk about ramming. Ramming is random acts of marketing. They do not accomplish a thing. No matter if you're on Instagram as a creative, to build your brand, for awareness, to start your business, or for your nonprofit. ...

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13 Types of High Converting Content

These are specific types of content that will get you clients and customers. Of times people draw a blank. They don't know what type of content they need to post. It actually builds a buying base and turns follower into a buyer. So I wanted to give you guys the 13 types of super high converting content.


Before we get into number one, please always remember that Content is CASH. Content is cash in the social media world. I need for you all to understand. This is really, really serious. Your content is your currency here. Okay? If your content is not valuable, if your content is not good, you are not going to sell anything. Point blank, period, the end, okay, this is real talk. This is why there are people who only have 2000 followers. And I used to be one of them and we can make $70,000 a year from Instagram and another $60,000 from Facebook because we have good content and we're focused on the quality of a follower over like quantity of followers, right?

And this is why...

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What makes successful social media ads 3

I want you to look for a variation in comments, and look for a variation in commenters. I'm not saying that you can't have some people that really, really rock with you and whatever you post and that converse and talk, etc. But, you're going to see some additional ones come in and go out. For example, you may see five people that always comment on my posts, but, if I have a post with 1700 people, it’s not all the same people. Does that make sense? So, I want you all to really, pay attention to those things. They'll reach out to you and say, “Hey, do you want to run an ad on my page?” or say that it's really cheap for me.  I’ve typically have had negative experiences of someone reaching out to me and asking me to run an ad on their page. In the past, that has not fared well for me. Therefore, I like to search and find pages that I can promote on. I like people to refer me or say these are good pages.


The next thing we're looking at is the number of...

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What makes successful social media ads 2

Niches are the third parameter that goes into making a successful social media ad.  When you're writing in the description, you're putting out your copy, you’re going to figure out these things. I have said you should focus on having 1 - 4 segments of people, 1 - 4 niches, that's where you're going to see if you fall into one of these categories. If you're in category one or category two, it doesn't work that way. So for me, for example, I’ll post: “If you're starting a business or interested in starting a business follow @KingAshleyAnn”. On other pages I may post, “If you’re a woman in business (because I’m looking for other women), follow @KingAshleyAnn”.  “If you want to learn how to use Facebook ads (if that's the type I'm looking for), follow @KingAshleyAnn”. Direct it towards whoever it is that you're trying to call out. “If you have natural hair or if you love protective styling, follow...

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What makes successful social media ads today? In order to make sure everything is about “prosperity over popularity”, and that we are building strategic audiences and actually building buying basis, I thought it was appropriate to talk about the parameter.


I have several clients who only have a thousand really good, active followers that follow and engage with them on social media. And they can make $30,000 to $100,000 a year, depending on the product or service and the price point. The key is quality and not quantity, really showing up every day, and being able to connect and build relationships with your audience members. Many times when we're building new audience members, we have to make sure that we're opening the door or creating the path to be able to create a relationship with a follower from the start. That even includes whenever you see them or they see you on that community page, influencer page, or complementary products or services page.



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Things No One Tells You About Making Online Sales 2

Uncategorized Feb 14, 2021

Content - Everyone always talks about content, but they never tie the bow on it. They tell you guys that it has to be value-driven, period. Okay, well, 80% of your content needs to be value-driven. 80% of it needs to focus on your content buckets and the overall brand and messaging of your page. Let me break this down a little bit more to help you understand exactly what I'm saying. When you're out here in the social media streets, we are looking to convert. Some of you are looking to be popular, which is why you're not making any money. Popularity does not equate to prosperity. I have clients right now who have under 2000 followers and they are literally making between $150k to $225,000 a year, just from Instagram, not Facebook, not Pinterest, not the offline work they're doing. This is just strictly from Instagram because they understand this concept.


Your content has to be value-driven. When you're building your page, I always tell people to think of 3 - 5 things you want...

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Things No One Tells You About Making Online Sales

Uncategorized Feb 06, 2021


List building - Your list is your biggest, baddest, and most important asset online or offline. Your lists are collections of hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or millions of people who actually care about the content that you're putting out into the social media streets. I get so agitated when all of these people pop up online and claim, “I'm going to show you how to make $10,000 in a month”, “I'm going to show you how I made a hundred thousand dollars this year with my ebook”, “I'm going to show you how to… blah, blah blah”, but they never mention building your list.


I don't own Instagram, Facebook, Periscope, Twitter, Pinterest, or any other social media platform... and guess what? None of you all do either. We may own stocks or shares in them, but we don't actually own the platform. We don't get to conduct what happens day to day. The algorithms are changing all of the time. They never stop.


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Secrets to Creating Products & Services That Sell Quickly 2

Uncategorized Jan 04, 2021

In the last article, I started discussing 4 P’s of Marketing and started with 1st “P”, Pricing. Once we know we have a product we can sell, and that can compete with others in the marketplace, we move to the 2nd “P”, Promotion.

For those of you who have under 1000 people in your audience, ways you can promote for the low or free include: using Facebook Ads, using sponsored posts, rolling out email sequences, putting content inside of your stories, asking about 10-12 of your friends to post about your products and services, etc.

The 3rd “P” is going to be Place. The place is where people can buy your products. We’re on social media, so people should be able to purchase from our websites, through our inboxes, by sending them a link or clicking on a picture, maybe out of the email or something like that. This is why it was such a big deal for your product to be put in a Kroger or Walmart. Now you can keep all of your profits, by building...

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Secrets to Creating Products & Services That Sell Quickly Part 1

Uncategorized Dec 08, 2020

Many of you have a product and/or a service that’s not selling. So I’m going to reveal the secret sauce of how to create products that people want to buy, more specifically, the products that will sell quickly. A part of this is going to be finding the right audience, therefore we will be discussing the 4 P’s of marketing, Place, Product, Promotion, and Price. 


We could go over a whole training on the psychology of pricing, but, here’s the quick and dirty: there are 3 types of product pricing strategies that are going to be relevant for you. 


The first pricing strategy we’re going to discuss is the ”Penetration pricing strategy. That’s when you go into the market to view prices of products similar to what you offer.  For example, if I sell these little glasses and I find out online (on Instagram or Facebook) that everyone else is selling them for $9.99. If I practice penetration pricing, I may sell my...

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Beginning Steps of Doing Business on IG - Part 3

Uncategorized Nov 24, 2020

My second general rule is: Service sells. If you focus on serving people… if you focus on becoming a resource… if you focus on trying to answer questions, and help people with problems, or get to a desired state, you’ll find that you will make a ridiculous amount of sales. People will literally start to pop inside your DM’s, show up in your comments, and come into your live-streams. It happens to me all the time. People come in and ask if I have a product about this, or that covers that. Or they say, I need help with XYZ, Do you have a product or a course that can help me with that. People come to me and ask to buy things from me. I don’t go out and ask them to buy my products. Yes, I make offers on my page, but, at the end of the day, by me being so focused on serving, answering questions, helping people get to desired states, and overcome problems or challenges, or just by being a listening ear, has helped me establish myself as a resource in the...

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