5 Tricks to Sell A Bunch of Stuff Without Being Salesy Part 3

I can assure you that if you apply what you learn in this three part series that you’ll see an increase in sales. In part three we will discuss setting goals for yourself, giving notice to your audience and selling without selling. Let’s work! 


You put yourself in your customer's way when you make the mistake of trying to sell. This is what most people do. You guys can attest to this, when you have first met me, whether it came through an ad, a shout out, I targeted you or a live stream, I do not sell. I share and I teach my clients to share, not to sell. We accomplish this by putting together content that's informative, educational, entertaining or thought provoking. This type of content can answer a question for you, solve a problem, give you a perspective, etc. Create space for your audience by explaining a process, giving the steps. You can show people how to wear something by asking who wear it better or tell a joke and make them laugh. If you can do any...

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